Community Groups
Associations/Organisations Choirs Guides & Scouts Social Clubs
Awenek Studio CIC
Community Art Studio.
In-house art workshops and creative groups (including sketchbook, creative writing, wool crafts, jewellery and children's art).
Outreach services delivering creative activities and craft workshops to groups and organisations.
Free art pack scheme and one to one support for eligible individuals.
Free Art pack scheme and remote mentoring for individuals.
Cancer Research UK
Torpoint Branch
Carew Lodge of Freemasons
The Masonic Hall, Arthur Terrace,
Carew Charter: 2nd Wednesday (Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr & June @ 7pm)
Carew Mark: 2nd Thursday (Sept, Nov, Jan, Mar & May @ 7pm)
Carew Craft: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Community Health Around Torpoint (CHAT)
The Old School House, Macey Street
Cornwall Army Cadet Force
Torpoint Detachment, Torpoint ACF Building, Antony Road, Torpoint
Parade Nights Tuesday 7 - 9pm
If you are 12+ come along to a parade night (parents welcome).
Adult volunteers needed, no experience necessary, full training given
Crafthole District Churches Table Tennis Club
An English Table Tennis Association Premier & Sport England Clubmark Club
Full Programme of Social Events, Telephone for further details.
Antony Village Hall
7 Teams P&D League & 2 Teams S.E.Cornwall League Wednesday 2pm Thursday 8pm
Junior Coaching Thursday 6.30pm
Family Information Service
Information for children, young people, parents/carers and practitioners across Cornwall.
Fibromyalgia, ME,CFS Support Group - Torpoint
A group of sufferers & carers affected by the conditions of Fibromyalgia (FM), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), to support residents in Torpoint & South East Cornwall area with monthly meetings, providing members a chance to share their experiences & to help each other, & occasional health & well being professional guest speakers.
Meet at Chatlink Building, The Old School House, Macey Street, Torpoint, Cornwall, PL11 2AJ
1st Friday every month 11am-1pm
Godoryu Karate
We are a traditional Karate school teaching , discipline, fitness, self defence , padwork, kata and kumite to all ages from 5-70 years. We welcome families group and offer discounts . 1st lesson is free then £5 per child/adult after . Comrades club Wednesday 5-7 pm
St James Church Friday 6-8 pm
Please check our page on Facebook .
Memory Matters South West CIC
Activity Workers - Therapeutic activity for those with Dementia in their own homes. This programme provides respite for the carer and meaningful activity for the person living with Dementia.
Click link for more information.
Plymouth Environmental Action (PEA)
Plymouth Environmental Action (PEA)Are YOU 16-25? Looking for something fun (and FREE!) to do at the weekends?
Interested in environmental conservation and heritage?
Take part in practical conservation tasks, learn new skills,meet new people, and have fun!
Projects include coppicing, beach cleans, tree-planting, biological surveys & much more!
Work with organisations such as the South West Lakes Trust, Rame Conservation Trust,
Wildlife Trusts and the Marine Biological Association
Rame Peninsula Branch RNLI
Various Dates, Times and Venues
Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes - (RAOB)
St George Cook Lodge
Unionist Club (Cons), Wednesday 7.45pm
Royal British Legion, Torpoint & District Branch
Committee Meetings take place at 7:30pm on the first Wednesday of the month at the Comrades Club.
Save the Children Rame and Plymouth Branch
We are a local fund raising branch dedicated to improving the lives of children in 120 countries. Our work in the UK has recently expanded dramatically meaning we would like to raise extra funds. All help and ideas appreciated.
St John Ambulance
Adults - Monday 7.30 - 9pm
Cadets - Friday 7 - 9pm
Nursing Cadets - Wednesday 7 - 9pm
Badgers - Thursday 5.15 - 6.45pm
Team Raleigh @ Hounds for Heroes
Satellite fundraising team for the charity Hounds for Heroes who provide assistance dogs to the Armed Forces and Emergency Services. Based in Torpoint, Team Raleigh are a satellite fundraising team supporting Hounds for Heroes and, specifically, an assistance dog "Raleigh" who is the first Hounds for Heroes assistance dog named after a military base... HMS Raleigh.
The Friends of Thanckes Park
Volunteer group, constituted, to promote and regenerate Thanckes Park.
The park has now an official title of the QEII Fields in Trust at Thanckes Park, after winning the award to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee
Torpoint & Area Road Safety Committee
Torpoint Council Chambers, meets various times
Torpoint & District Twinning Association
Meets various times
Torpoint & Rame Community Sports Centre
Antony Road, Torpoint
Torpoint & Rame Group Practice Patient Participation Group
The P.P.G. key roles are:
1. Create & improve two-way communication between patients & the Practice thus instigating a sense of partnership.
2. Collect patient opinions/experiences to help the Practice evaluate its services.
3. Support the Practice in good health promotions, preventative medicine & health literacy.
4. To liaise with the Kernow Commissioning Patient Participation Umbrella Group.
For further information please use our contact details.
Torpoint & Rame Peninsula u3a
A national organisation open to anyone who is no longer in full time employment. Offering a wide range of activities such as art, craft, cycling, dining out, French, Italian, music ,play reading, photography, quilting, Spanish, swimming, walking, as well as a monthly meeting with a speaker.
Our motto is learn, laugh, live. What are you waiting for, come along and give us a try!
Torpoint & Rame Royal Naval Association (RNA)
Comrades & United Services Club, last Friday in month 7.30pm
Paul Carter (Branch Secretary)
Torpoint Allotment Association
The Shed, Sydney Road
Torpoint and District Old Cornwall Society
Council Chambers
3rd Wednesday (September – April) at 7.30pm
Torpoint and Rame Community Sports Network
Formerly Torpoint Sports Action Group
Torpoint Community College (Library)
Monthly meetings Monday 7pm
Torpoint and Rame Netball Club
Torpoint & Rame Community Sports Centre
Monday 6 - 8pm
Torpoint and Rame Peninsula Lions Club
Meets at the Comrades Club
1st Tuesday of month at 7.45pm
Torpoint Archives
Torpoint Archives & Heritage Centre
Torpoint Library & Community Hub
27 Fore Street
PL11 2AG
Open Monday- Friday 10am - 12 noon
Monday - Friday 2pm - 4pm
Torpoint Artists Collective CIC
Torpoint Artists Collective (TAC) is a Community Interest Company dedicated to supporting artists in Torpoint and surrounding areas, nurturing creativity and enhancing community life through the arts. Our vision is to create opportunities for local artists to thrive, contribute to the town's cultural vibrancy, and make Torpoint a hub for creativity.
Torpoint Athletic Ladies' Football Club
The Mill
Sundays at 2pm
Torpoint Athletic Youth Football Club
6 Teams Ages under 11 -16yrs
Training Mid-Week + Football Saturdays
Torpoint Badminton Club
Torpoint & Rame Community Sports Centre, Wednesday
Sessions are from 7.30pm - 10.00pm
Torpoint Bowling Club
Thanckes Park, Torpoint
Torpoint Community Health Clinic
Penntorr Health
Torpoint Ferryboat Entertainers
Cornerstone Church, Wednesday 7:30pm.
Torpoint Moorings Association
Torpoint Play Tots
Voluntary run community group for parents and carers of children from birth to 5
Thursday 9.30 - 11.30
Term Time only
Torpoint Players
Band Headquarters, Sainsbury's Car Park, Thursday 7.30pm
Torpoint Ramps Forum
Torpoint Ramps Forum aims to develop skateboarding, scooting, biking and rollerblading facilities for young people in Torpoint (and surrounding areas). We recently formed this community group to give young people a voice, organise wider engagement in bringing the town together to improve the local skatepark. We meet monthly, mailing lis sign up here;
Torpoint Residents Association
Silver Band HQ Somerfield Car Park
3rd Wednesday of Month 8pm
Torpoint Sea Cadets
Based in HMS Raleigh, Torpoint Sea Cadets gives young people the best possible head-start in life through maritime adventure & fun, based on the customs & traditions of the Royal Navy. If you're aged 10-17 & have an interest in, sailing, rowing, powerboating, music, piping, drill, shooting, catering, marine engineering or sports & adventure training, please get in touch. Contact us on Facebook at 'Torpoint Sea Cadets'
Torpoint Silver Band
Band Headquarters, Sainsbury's Car Park,
Monday 7.30pm
Torpoint Wives Club
Cornerstone Church, 4th Thursday of month at 7.30pm
Walking in England
Access to hundreds of Free Walks around the country
Waterside Colour Circle Workshop
Enterprise Court, Mornings 10am - 1pm
Telephone for full information re workshops
Reflections (Mixed Vocal Ensemble)
Bethany Chapel, Tuesday 7.45pm
Torpoint Lady Singers
Cornerstone Church, Monday 7.15pm
Guides & Scouts
1st Torpoint Guides
Band Hut - Fridays 7-9pm
1st Torpoint Rainbows
2nd Torpoint Brownies
St James Church Hall, Tuesday 6 - 7.30pm
2nd Torpoint Guides
Scout HQ - Wellington Street - Fridays 7-9pm
2nd Torpoint Rainbows
3rd Torpoint Brownies
Band Hut - Wednesdays 6-7:30pm
3rd Torpoint Guides
St James Church Hall - Tuesdays 7:30-9pm
Beavers (Watership Down)
Scout H.Q. Wellington Street, Thursday 4 - 5.30pm
Cubs (Hawks)
Scout H.Q. Wellington Street, Monday 6 - 8pm
Explorer Scouts
Scout H.Q. Wellington Street
Tuesday evening 7 - 9pm
Roy Roseveare Tele 01752 815770
Millbrook Brownies
Millbrook Scout HQ - Mondays
Millbrook Guides
Millbrook Scout HQ - Mondays
Millbrook Rainbows
Millbrook Scout HQ - Mondays
Scout H.Q. Wellington Street, Thursday 19:15 - 21:00
Torpoint Rangers - Girlguiding
Scout HQ - Wellington Street - Fridays 7-9pm
Social Clubs
Cornwall Blind Association
Social Club Activities
The Garden Sport & Leisure Club
Antony Road, Torpoint
Torpoint & District Unionist Club Ltd
Macey Street , Torpoint
Torpoint Athletic Football & 200 Club
The Mill, Mill Lane, Evenings 7.30 - 11pm
Saturday 12noon - 11pm
Sundays 7 - 11pm
Torpoint Comrades & United Services Club Ltd
Members Club
Moorview PL11 2LH
Torpoint Mosquito Sailing Club
Marine Drive
Monday - Friday 12noon - 2.30pm & 6 - 11pm
Saturday 12noon - 11pm, Sunday 12noon - 10.30pm
An active friendly club below the ferry with regular dinghy & yacht racing. Cruising, windsurfing, diving & cadet sections. New members welcome.